Room Series: Living Room

According to Bitty Boutique Furniture, the purpose and function of a living room are threefold: We’re all about helping you explore your tastes in the design of your living room, and the window treatment you choose plays a key role in the finishing of a beautiful environment. Have a look at some of our top picks […]

Room Series: Entertainment, Recreation & More

Over the last few months, in our Room Series, we’ve covered all of the crucial rooms in a home and which window treatments suit each best. But there are some that cannot be categorised that we don’t want to miss. Have a look at some of our favourite looks and window treatments for those miscellaneous […]

The Room Series – Bedrooms

There’s no place like home and no bed like your own. That’s why your bedroom is such an important part of your life. To make sure that your bedroom affords you the levels of comfort and peace you need to go out there and be your best self, it needs to have the right amount […]

The Room Series – Home Office

A home office or study room is a versatile space which you can decorate to align with the homeliness of your house or as a completely separate, more professional space. Blinds play a huge role in the overall décor and feel of your study, whatever your needs may be. Here are some of the best […]

The Room Series: Dining Room

The dining room – a magical place where families can talk, joke, debate, play games and, of course, eat. Whether your dining room is your daily eating place or the one reserved for guests, it needs to proffer a welcoming atmosphere to all. We’ve put together a list of window treatments to suit the various […]

The Room Series: Bathroom

The bathroom is the first place you look at when you’re staying away from home, so why should your home bathroom be any less brilliant? A clean and tastefully styled bathroom can make all the difference in starting your day the right way. We’ve come up with some excitingly simply ways to give your bathroom […]

The Room Series: Kitchens

One of the most important and most used rooms in your home is your kitchen, so making sure that it is the kind of environment that you want to spend time in – be that cooking, eating, baking or just having tea – is imperative. Designing your kitchen can be complex when you consider all […]

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