How can a Home Automation System help you?

Home Automation now more affordable than ever before 

Easter is around the corner, and you know what that means, lots of chocolate, family visits and of course, what would the holidays be without a spontaneous family vacation? It’s a time of fun and happiness. These moments almost always consist of the responsibility of making sure everything is secure and in its place.

But how many times has this happened to you?

You booked the accommodation, packed all the necessities and filled the tank, what else is there to do? Nothing at all, right?  But for some reason, you can’t help but wonder whether or not you put the alarm system on, locked the security shutters and closed your motorised blinds. Unfortunately, you can’t check since you’re already halfway to your destination. What do you do? Well, this is where your home automation system comes in handy. Nifty right?

What is a Home Automation System?

home automation system is a system of controlled and networked devices that make your home living much more manageable.

Transform your home. Say goodbye to manual labour and hello to your new smart home. An automation system controls things such as lighting, heating, ventilation, security and so much more with the simple press of a button. Just switch on your Wi-Fi or mobile data and log into the app via your cell phone, laptop or tablet to gain access to your home.

Benefits of Home Automation
  • Convenience

With today’s advancement in technology, everything seems to be fast-paced, whether it’s in your workplace, quick internet banking or even fast food restaurants. Everything is moving forward at a rapid pace, and if we do not keep up with it, we may feel left behind and even confused.

A home automation system is an ideal product, as it lets you remotely communicate with your home. It’s incredibly easy to utilise and is customised according to your needs. Talk about keeping up with technology!

  • Safety & Security

What’s as important as our health? That’s right, our security. There’s nothing worse than having someone invade your space; it’s enough to ruin anyone’s day. Home automation systems are the solution to this problem as it doubles up your security, even when you’re not there.

How may you ask? Let’s say your children are home for the holidays and they have a few friends with them, making copies of keys can be a bit of a risk. Instead, give them codes for the system, which can be fitted to an automated door lock. It’ll prevent a loss of keys, as well as provide them with the freedom to come and go as they please. It will also grant you peace of mind as nobody can gain access except them.

You can also have security cameras connected to the system­ to view your home remotely, making sure everything is in order.

  • Shutters & Blinds

Yes, that’s right you can also control your shutters and blinds with an automation system. With remote access, you can rest assured that your blinds are closed, and your shutters are secured, which adds to the security of your home.

  • Efficiency

Who enjoys paying bills? None us, that’s for sure. Reduce your electricity bill and your carbon footprint by installing an automation system. Not only will you be going more green but having motorised blinds can benefit you and your lifestyle. Don’t come home to a boiling house in summer, just schedule your shades to close at a specific time, and the same goes for during the cold season. Reduce the need for long periods of air conditioning and heating!

2018 Is a big year for the Executive Blinds family as we have gone the distance to bring our loyal customers a technological treat. We now have our brand of motors that have been tested and approved for more than three years. We can replace your old blind motors with a new much more affordable one, without replacing the tubes. That’s not all; a new device has just been introduced, that allows one’s Wi-Fi to operate the blinds via a cell phone app, as well as set timers for your motorised blinds. Now automation is more cost effective than ever!


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