2 Easy Steps to Keep Your Non-Fabric Blinds Clean

Invest in our quality wooden blinds or aluminium blinds and keep them looking good for years to come.

When purchasing a home and decorating it or remodelling your existing house, selecting the finishing’s and fixtures are usually last on the list. These fixtures are needed when the budget is limited or near to non-existent.  Lighting, décor and blinds can compound and be very pricey.  Yes, investing in high-quality blinds can take a chunk out of our budgets. Initially, this will be quite a setback.

Proper, regular cleaning will add many more years to the maintenance of these fixtures. They are something you replace every 10 to 15 years or so. Therefore it is important to select these wisely as well as maintain them well. Maintenance will keep them in good condition making the lifespan of your blinds that much longer, saving you in the long run.

When you have a product of quality cleaning them can be quite easy and ought to be done regularly. Here are few tips as to how to clean your blinds.

How to clean non-fabric blinds

These methods apply to both wooden blinds and aluminium blinds.


The first step would be to ensure that the blind is dust free. Use a soft dust cloth and gently swab the each of the slats to remove any of the dust. If you have a vacuum, this will work as well. Ensure you use the correct attachment so that you do not damage or bend the slat in the process.  A brush attachment is the best option for this kind of cleaning.

When cleaning a vertical blind, it is best to work from top to bottom and with a horizontal blind, work from left to right, beginning at the top and gently pulling towards the bottom. Ensure that you do not pull too much as this might cause them to fall or bend.


Fill a bucket with clean, warm water. Add three drops of dishwashing liquid. Using a microfiber cloth, wipe down the blinds. The cloth has to be of a damp-dry consistency. Therefore it is best to wring the cloth out well before applying it to the slats.

Gently wipe the slats in the same way as mentioned above.

If you are struggling with tougher stains, create a paste with a teaspoon of baking soda and water. Use an old toothbrush and gently scrub out the stain.

Happy cleaning, it really is for the best.


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