Why You Need Security Shutters…

Over the past year, crime statistics in South Africa have shown a slight decline in the number of reported house break-ins. This, however, isn’t necessarily a true reflection of things on the ground as many of us continue being victims of house robberies and break-ins. Many homes fall victim to these crimes because of lack of security […]

Electric vs Manual Roller Shutters

Are you looking for security but without the unpleasant looking bars or wire? Roller shutters are an attractive yet extremely secure solution for homes, businesses and industrial set ups. The two main shutter choices are either electric or manual. Find the one that suits your home or business perfectly, by understanding the similarities and differences between the […]

Shutters vs. Blinds: What’s the difference?

Whether it is merely a design aspect to choose from or to ensure that only a few rays of sunlight are allowed to creep in during the early mornings, choosing the right shutters or blinds can be the key fundamental step in creating the ultimate atmosphere in a home. Decorating a home does not just consist of finding the […]

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